Cheerios and the BFT Offer Breakfast for Bees

This month sees the launch of the Cheerios Save the Bees campaign. We’re proud to be supporting this campaign, which sees the wholegrain cereal brand sending out free packets of sunflower seeds to its consumers. Look for promotional packs on supermarket shelves from now on (you’ll see the Bee Friendly Trust logo on the box) …

London Bridge to get Innovative Bee Sculpture

Last year, we launched a competition to design a unique and innovative bee-themed sculpture for London Bridge Station. We received a wealth of original and interactive designs, all using primarily recycled materials. Picking one winning entry was a tough job for our panel of judges, which featured representatives from London Bridge Station, Amalgam Modelmaking and …

Coram’s Fields Youth Project #2, London

Following on from the success of our lockdown wildlife garden project, we were pleased to be supported by the Mayor of London and the Grow Back Greener Fund for a major project of further nature planting at Coram’s Fields. Coram’s Fields is a children’s charity that serves as a safe place for all children to …

Bee ID Illustrations

When we were in need of an illustrator to help us create ID guides for station nature trails, we looked no further than Sorcha Faulkner. Based in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, her distinct style provides anatomically correct detail, whilst remaining fun, fresh and appealing-to-all. Find her work on our nature trail tiles and posters at …

Watford Junction Railway Station, Hertfordshire

The Yards & The Bees was a series of bold art installations celebrating urban bees at The Yards Covent Garden, in London. After the exhibition came to a close, three of the four artworks were generously donated to the Bee Friendly Trust and now find themselves at three of our bee-friendly projects. ‘Urban Ecosystem’ (pictured) …

Lewes Rail Railway Station, East Sussex

When the station gardening team at Lewes Rail Station asked if we could help them with a bug hotel to go on one of the platforms, it was our pleasure to assist. Our bug hotels are made out of upcycled wooden bee hives and come complete with a living roof. The result? A cosy house …

BFT Launches Sculpture Competition at London Bridge

Calling all artists and creatives! How would you like your artworks to be seen my the masses, on display at London Bridge Rail Station, London? The Bee Friendly Trust has launched a nationwide competition to create a unique sculpture for the rail station, that captures the essence of the honey bee. The sculpture, to be …

Shop for Charity on Amazon Smile

While we’d rather you shop local and independent, we understand there are times when Amazon is the simplest option. When those times arise, be sure to use the Amazon Smile platform. For every purchase you make via Amazon Smile, Amazon will make a donation to your nominated charity. Which means, if you choose the Bee …

Watford Junction Railway Station, Hertfordshire

When we were approached by London Northwestern Railway to breathe life into the brick-built planters of Watford Junction Rail Station, we couldn’t wait to get started. We worked alongside staff and volunteers to prep the planters and fill them with fresh soil  and compost. They were then planted up with lavender, rosemary and hundreds of …